Welcome to Women Icon

Women icon


Welcome to Women Icon


  • Any Individual
  • Companies and Firms
  • Brands and Products
  • Magazines and Portals
  • Arts, Culture and Lifestyle
  • Supply and Logistics
  • Manufacturing and Operations
  • Media and Entertainment
  • Consultancy Services
  • Computers and IT Services
  • Financial Services and Products
  • Architecture and Interior Designing
  • Real Estate and Construction
  • Travel, Tourism and Hospitality
  • Professionals like Doctors, Engineers
  • Business people from all sectors
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Working faculties
  • Authors & Journal Publishers
  • Service Provider Units
  • Public & Private Organizations
  • Social Workers & Para-Professionals
  • All types of Schools
  • Special Skills Coaching & training institute
  • Fashion Technology Institute
  • Hobby Classes
  • Publishing House
  • Teachers, Professors, Principal
  • Individuals from all sectors mentioned
  • Colleges, Universities Organizations, Institutions, Companies,etc
After submitting the Nomination , we start our verification process where all the submitted applications and documents get verified for the authenticity.

We shortlist the candidates or companies and send them confirmation about their selection for Women Icon Awards by email.
Winners Get Informed through Email with all the further procedures and proceedings.

Delegate fee needs to confirm after the selection confirmation by the nominee.

Women Awards follows the below mentioned selection criteria to choose companies and personnel for Women Icon AWARD OF THE YEAR.
1) How much importance you give to your customers and the quality output you offer for the customer's satisfaction?
2) How you lead your team to achieve your objective with employee's professional growth?
3) What innovative concepts and benchmarking you have?
4) Do you make continuous improvements and performance evaluation?
5) What is the impact of your out comes on society?
6) Which process strategies and methodologies you follow?
7) What are the future expansions in line with your Vision and Mission?
8) What are the achievements of your services, products or management if any?
Women Icon is associated with the proud Times Women
  • 1. International procurement trophy
  • 2. Quality assurance accreditation certificate
  • 3. International achievement medal
  • 4. Membership in World Women Council
  • 5. Award winning certificate 
  • 6. Certificate of World Women Council
  • 7. Lifetime opportunity of posting articles in Women Icon at no cost
  • 8. Free participation in Women Icon conference
  • 9. Releasing Awardees achievement in magazines
  • 10. Pre-lettering membership in International council 
  • 11. Winning bonafide letter
  • 12. Premium quality award flags
  • 13. Banner release, Press release, news release, video release and many more.

No, if your nomination is rejected by us, there is no fee charged by us.

No, the nomination is completely free of charge.

Yes, after final confirmation of award, there is a branding & copyright fee of 320 USD.

The branding & copyright fee is for organizing, servicing, the banquet, benefits as mentioned above and other paid services.

No, We are sorry that the delegate fee is the same and there is no concession in case of presence or absence.

The award nomination are open to all entrepreneurs,researchers and as well as employees at all level. Self nomination is permitted and people can also nominate other members for the award. Women Icon Award will always render you to exhibit your talent to the global network. Women Icon as team crave and make efforts for the quality research that helps well being of society .

  •  Nomination fee for all categories is 320 USD
  •  Counterfeit information found during nomination will be aborted for life span
  •  Data collected during the nomination will be inspected by our admin for further processing.
  •  Documents proof along with the affidavit is mandatory for award nomination.
We Women Icon Awards know the importance of recognizing and celebrating success of women in and around the world. We provide vast variety of awards in various fields. We as team honor and respect the flying of colors of each and every success of the women.

We create awareness among women being self confident and successful.
 Provide pat on a back for the success of each and every women.
We provide awards on all categories such as working professionals, teachers, researchers, scholars, and entrepreneurs.
 We conduct workshops with pioneer leaders in the world.
We as team extend our support in the women development in the society.
 We help each and every women to empower themselves in their area.
 With this award program we try to influence young talent women to achieve lot more in their career.
 We also organize event and conferences that will help women to up skill themselves
 We act as path to showcase their talent to the world.
 The award programme aim at increasing women's opportunity and participation which is much needed in this modern world.
We encourage nominations from around the globe and across all the fields.
 We look forward to identify outstanding individuals across all the fields.
Celebrating Women is always desired one. This is a sign of gratitude for their hard work and sacrifice they give to people around them and to society. The main reason for bringing experts together is to help women to recognize their strength; sometimes their strengths are underestimated by the society and on their own.
We Women Icon Awards take privilege in celebrating women's achievement around the world. We generate public recognition of the achievements of each and every women who excels in their field worldwide. This award is specially created to all the women across the world who all engaged in various field of work. We feature wide variety of categories to appreciate and adore the accomplishment of each and every deserved contender .

The award has been initiated to honor women and it also a'id as inspiration and encouragement for upcoming talents. Women Icon Awards judges include world's most admired entrepreneurs,researchers,scholars,social workers,professionals etc.,The main aspiration is to celebrate and inspire women of all backgrounds for their extraordinary contribution towards their work..

We bring the experts together in one room to help every woman recognize their potential and use it to their best.Experts also helps to drive each and every woman to strengthen their power of networking,connections ,learning. Celebrating the women achievements will contribute positive impact towards the women empowerment which is much needed in this society.
Application Screening Process:-
As a part of Women Icon awards, we have listed a set of guidelines for application screening Process.

Date announcement for nomination:-
Nomination Date will be announced by the award committee.

Nomination Link For participation: -  

Nomination Assessment:
 Committee members will review all the submitted nomination for its completeness and eligibility.
All the submitted applications will be ensured for its credibility and trustworthiness.
Documents attached will be verified for its accuracy and legitimacy.
Team will make sure the submitted applications fulfill the nomination criteria.

Nomination Selection: -
The Selection process will be completed only after assessment process is completed.
 Selected contenders will receive the mail with full set of procedure to progress further.

Winners Disclosure: 
 The fee payment for the participants will be checked and confirmed.
 The Winners list will be published only after the payment confirmation.

General note:
1. All the specified categories in the nomination are open to employees at all levels.
2. Nominees have right to withdraw their nomination any time before the finals.
3. Committee members have right to reject any nomination when they found issue on the information produced.
4. On unavoidable circumstances, if you are not able to show up for the award ceremony after making the registration payment, We make sure that your awards and all other benefits will reach to your registered address through courier. 
5. Kindly check your registered mail at least once a day for updates from us. Please check in Spam folder too.
** Women success is necessitating for society development **